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'ISIS Gives U.S. Excuse to Intervene & Destabilize Whole Region'

Sep 16, 2014

Russia Today introduction: America's fighter jets have carried out new offensive strikes on militant positions just outside the Iraqi capital. Iran has rejected the possibility of cooperating with Washington in fighting with ISIS. The Supreme leader the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called Obama's strategy shallow and biased. Soraya Sepaphour-Ulrich, a prominent researcher and expert on the country, joins RT to talk more on that.


'Greater Israel': The Zionist Plan for the Middle East [Hawaii Political Info] Sep 8, 2013

General Wesley Clark: 7 Countries in 5 Years [Hawaii Political Info] Sep 8, 2013 (Clarifies U.S. involvement in the 'Greater Israel' plan)

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion [Bible Believers (Australia)] The Jewish plan for world domination over the goyim as laid out over 100 years ago. The Protocols are said by Jews to be a "forgery." Whoever wrote them was no ordinary human, or even ordinary genius.