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'Killing Unarmed bin Laden Was Murder'

Elliot Spitzer, disgraced former Democratic governor of New York and present co-host of CNN's In the Arena, does a great job here in his interview of two Middle East specialists concerning the reported killing of Osama bin Laden this past Sunday. The two are Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize-winning former New York Times Middle East bureau chief, and Stephen Carter, Yale Law School professor and author of a piece in the upcoming Newsweek magazine issue (not on sale yet).

Was the unarmed bin Laden murdered? Hedges thinks so, but Carter takes exception to the word, citing the "Laws of War." So what are you going to believe? The dictionary or the government? The latter brings uncomfortably to mind 1984's doublethink. On the other hand, Carter does call the killing an "assassination."


Mission Accomplished [The Daily Beast]