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The Muslim Cry for Justice

Will the U.S. quash it yet again?

Eric Margolis, Middle East specialist par excellence, is interviewed on the radio by Lew Rockwell.

The U.S., the putative shining light to the world of freedom and justice, is running roughshod over the people of the Middle East. The invasion of Iraq, which was begun because President George W. Bush said there were weapons of mass destruction there, has resulted in hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis. There was no public outcry from Americans when the weapons of mass destruction that were given as the sole reason for our invasion of Iraq turned out to be nonexistent. The masses of dead Iraqis don't warrant so much as a shrug of the shoulders from the American public.

As the most powerful country in the world, with our war machine firmly in the Middle East, and rivers of our dollars flowing into such countries as Egypt and Israel whether we taxpayers like it or not, just how are we affecting the life of the average person in the Middle East? Eric Margolis explains.

Click here for the interview. (15 minutes)