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CIA Study Creates Doubt about U.S. Aid to Syrian Rebels

Ben Swann

By Joshua Cook

October 22, 2014

A still-classified study by the Central Intelligence Agency shows that covertly arming and training rebels rarely works. This is creating some doubt over whether or not the U.S. should do the same for Syrian rebels.

According to a story in the New York Times, the report is one of several CIA studies commissioned in 2012 and 2013, during the time the Obama administration was debating the Syrian civil war and figured that many past attempts by the agency to arm foreign forces coverly had minimal impact on the long-term outcome of the conflict. According to the report, they were even less effective when the militias fought without any direct American ground support.

“The findings of the study, described in recent weeks by current and former American government officials, were presented in the White House Situation Room and led to deep skepticism among some senior Obama administration officials about the wisdom of arming and training members of a fractured Syrian opposition,” wrote the New York Times.

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