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Is US Govt Actively Working to Spread Ebola in America?

Natural News

By Mike Adams
Editor, Natural News

The more closely our team investigates the facts about Ebola here at Natural News, the more I'm convinced the United States government is intentionally trying to increase the spread of the outbreak rather than contain it. I realize this assertion may sound outlandish, but review the evidence below and decide for yourself. This story is extensively sourced with verifiable links.

As microbiologist Dr. Gil Mobley recently said in protest of all the lies and disinformation, "CDC is lying! ... [and] If they're not lying, they are grossly incompetent." [1]

Here are the top ten pieces of evidence that point to the U.S. government seemingly wanting to see Ebola spread even more. Because, just as Dr. Mobley says, if all this isn't intentional, then it's a showcase of extreme incompetence on the part of government:

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