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Greek Cabbies in Dire Straits amid Country's New, Even Heavier, Taxes

Hawaii Political Info introduction:: Greek cabbies are spotlighted in this story on the devastation the worldwide economic crisis is having on them. Greece is particularly affected by the crisis, although the peoples of the US and the EU are also experiencing a major impact on their quality of life.

Unfortunately this report doesn't say where the money from the major new taxes and austerity measures is going. It is being sucked up to benefit the international banks and their consortiums which are run by Jews. Nor does the story mention who is designing the taxes and austerity measures imposed on the Greeks—again, the international banks and their consortiums, such as the IMF.

But Russia also is subject to Jewish interests, although perhaps not to the degree of the US and the EU—at least for the time being.

The troika frequently mentioned in this report, but never defined (why not?) is the European Commission (EC), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Central Bank (ECB).


Russia Today introduction: Greek taxi drivers are up in arms against heavy new taxes, as the country’s workers endure massive unemployment and painful austerity. With widespread discontent, they say that their government has failed them. RT's Marina Kosareva reports from Athens.

Published on YouTube by Russia Today Aug 17, 2014


Tracing America’s Enslavement To Jewish Bankers [RealJewNews] Jun 14, 2011