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Western Media Frenzy Suggests 'Russia Invades Ukraine'

Hawaii Political Info introduction: The mainstream media, taking their direction and miscues from their "insider" sources, are feeding the public a lot of biased information, particularly about wars and rebellions that the U.S. government and its BFF Israel back. Before the Internet, with only those news sources to go on, the public, trusting in the goodness of their government and what they learned in school about the "free press," would have been much more inclined to believe what they were told.

These days we get to hear from the other side without U.S. filters. Mainstream media has suffered a crisis in public confidence and the public, having been duped more than enough times, is no longer respectful of its U.S. mainstream news sources, which, in contrast to years past, is now under the control of a mere handful of companies.

Published on YouTube Mar 5, 2014

Russia Today introduction: And further stoking tensions around Ukraine - the Western Media has been flooded with reports going as far as suggesting the Russian army is invading Ukraine.


Jews Confirm Big Media Is Jewish by Rev. Ted Pike [National Prayer Network] Feb 13, 2012