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Alex Jones Interviews Aaron Russo

The late Aaron Russo starts off this full-length interview by saying, "What happened on 9/11 is a phony." He tells us what the people who run the world really have in store for us, whether we like it or not: one-world government. Since the interview a few years ago, that's become pretty obvious. But how did he know what a lot more people were oblivious to back then? He tells us.

Although most Americans these days say we're a democracy — we learned this in school and keep hearing it repeated in the mass media — Aaron says that our Founding Fathers were horrified at the thought.

Aaron's criticizing democracy? Doesn't he know that that's what our nation was founded on and the ultimate source of what many of us think of as our freedom and liberty? No it wasn't, and no it isn't, he says, and explains.

What does one-world government have to do with banks and the IRS? And how does that fit in with 9/11? Aaron tells us and explains how he came by his hard-won knowledge, a combination of the school of hard knocks and one crucial connection.


Aaron Russo on the Council on Foreign Relations