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Why Were the Polls So Wrong?

Neil Abercrombie (D) whupped Duke Aiona (R) by a lead of 17 percent, surprising many because the polls showed them to be running a far closer race. The special election polls for U.S. House District 1 showed Colleen Hanabusa (D) to be consistently and often significantly lagging fellow Democrat Ed Case and Republican Charles Djou. Djou won that May election, but with the shocker of Hanabusa finishing 3 percent ahead of Case.

Showing why comments from the public can be exceptionally beneficial, Ray, who did the Abercrombie and Hanabusa pollings, he says, which were, again he says, highly accurate, writes,

Some people use polls to raise money; others to stir the troops, others to impact public opinion; we only poll to help direct the campaign.

Get a rare insider look at polling by looking for Ray's comment on Ian Lind's website.


Weird Findings from 2010's Exit Poll Data [Mother Jones]