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Spitzer Attempts to Skewer Rand Paul

Former New York governor Eliot Spitzer (D), who campaigned on ethics and later made headlines in 2008 when he resigned his gubernatorial position in the wake of a sex scandal, has been a political commentator on CNN since June.

In the following interview he asks some pretty stupid questions of newly elected Senator Rand Paul (R), such as will he balance the national budget by making huge cuts in benefits to Kentucky specifically. No matter what Paul says, Spitzer continues on this track ad nauseam.

When Rand Paul finally says to him, "Your personal agenda is getting in the way of your being a good broadcaster," Spitzer loses his cool and his tenuous grip on reality and civility, possibly because his show has dismal ratings and many consider him to be a poor excuse for a political commentator.


CBO on the Health Care Bill: More Spending, More Tax Revenue [Reason] Aug 26, 2010