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RT Interview with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Speaking on the UN summit sidelines, Iran's president tells Russia Today that the biggest trouble facing the world is domination by the United States. In an exclusive interview with Russia Today, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gives his view of the world and its problems with the 800-lb. gorilla in the world's room, America.

Towards the very end of the interview, he tells us what the American mainstream news usually doesn't mention, the shocker that the U.S. has kidnapped eight Iranians abroad (he says) and brought them to the U.S. to imprison them. These are the eight Iranians that have been said to be on the bargaining table in exchange for the two American hikers in an Iranian prison. Ahmadinejad denies that the release of the two Americans depends on the release of the eight Iranians in our jails.


Iran links U.S. hikers case to detained Iranians [] Dec 9, 2009

Iran accuses U.S. and Saudis of kidnapping a nuclear scientist [LA Times] Dec 9, 2009