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The Real Cost of the War in Iraq

In a war, while one side may ultimately be able to claim victory, both sides lose. — Anonymous
Thursday, September 2, 2010

by Paul Craig Roberts

Mr. Roberts was the Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury during the Ronald Reagan administration, becoming known as “the father of Reaganomics.” He is a former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal and a syndicated columnist for A Republican, he has gone public in his criticism of the Republican Bush administration and now, the Democratic Obama administration.
Obama's "end of Iraq war" speech must have shattered any remaining belief in him. Forced to appease both his supporters and the warmonger right-wing, who denounce him as a Muslim and a Marxist, Obama resorted to Orwellian DoubleSpeak. He could only announce an end to the war by praising the president who started it and the troops who fought it. Yet, as most earthlings, if not Americans, surely know by now, the war was based on a lie and on intentional deception. The American troops died for a lie.

President Obama spoke of the cost to Americans of liberating Iraq, but is Iraq liberated or is Iraq in the hands of American puppet politicians and still occupied by 50,000 American troops and 200,000 private mercenaries and "contractors," governed out of the largest embassy in the world, essentially a fortress?

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Iraq — An End or an Escalation? [HPI]

How to Start a War [HPI]

Embassy of the United States • Baghdad, Iraq

Opening Day for Enormous New US Embassy in Iraq [Time]