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Alice in Wonderland Health Care

While the Obama administration is desperately doing everything they can to ram through health care that most of the public doesn’t want, and while spin and obfuscation pour out at high volume, along with tales of congressional backroom deals and arm twisting, Thomas Sowell slogs through the morass to get down to some common-sense essentials.

”One of the biggest reasons for higher medical costs is that somebody else is paying those costs, whether an insurance company or the government. What is the politicians' answer? To have more costs paid by insurance companies and the government.”

“Back when the ‘single payer’ was the patient, people were more selective in what they spent their own money on.”

Read more . . . [Jewish World Review]


Alice in Health Care, Part II

Alice in Health Care, Part III

Alice in Health Care, Part IV

Most Americans oppose health care plan [Rasmussen Reports] March 15, 2010

Whatever It Takes: Ramming Health Care Through [HPI]